Sunday, 29 August 2010

Day 7 - Shop In the Field

Today we were all up early, so we went to a local car boot sale, or 'shop in the field' as my eldest knows it.

Lots of tramping about in (very) fresh air, and we bought a few bargains. All good, except the continual waft of bacon sandwiches from (it felt like) every corner. I succumbed. Are you surprised? I said I had no willpower back on Day 1. Only a couple of mouthfuls, but boy it was good. I defy anyone to go past one of those vans without wanting some.

Anyhoo, otherwise a relaxing day, lunch with the papers, etc. etc. The papers have their fashion supplements on Sunday, and my mind strayed to thinking about all the hoo-ha one hears of regularly, with regards to celebrities, fashion models, self-esteem, weight and dieting.

I'm almost 35. Surely I'm not influenced by them? I KNOW they are unattainably thin, products of genes I don't have and/or airbrushing I don't have access to. Pshaw!

But then I came across this report, of a study which found that any woman, whatever she looks like, experiences a negative impact on their self-image when they view images of models. Skinny girls too. Interesting...

What's the answer? I don't know, it's a million-dollar question. For now I'll just make sure I don't watch telly, or read a magazine before I get dressed in the morning!

What do you think?

What I ate today:

Sugar puffs (another trial size) and milk

A Shapers chewy snack bar (plus those mouthfuls of bacon sandwich)

Grilled chicken and tomato sandwich, bread spread with Tesco extra low fat cheese, a packet of Shapers crisps and a Mullerlite yoghurt

Tesco Light Choice sausages, mash and beans. Yum!

Exercise of the day:

Trekking around two fields of car boot sale

Product of the day:

Not something I ate myself, but at the farmer's market this weekend my husband bought some venison and pork sausages from The Wild Meat Company. I cooked these in a separate pan to my sausages, as I expected the pan to run with fat while cooking - but nothing came out of these plump sausages, not a drop of excess fat! Now I know venison is a low-fat meat, but apparently on further research it has less than half the fat of pork. So now I can introduce a healthier (if pricier!) sausage to my husband and daughter's plates. Good news!

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